Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Be thankful

You should be more thankful to the moments when you were hurt....you cried badly on your bed at night....or even when you were broken..than to any other moment that touched your heart in a good way.......those who value these  moments of broken promises....hurting words....or even disappointments....actually have the potential to be the strongest people ever.....those who can perceive a bad moment as a sign from allah  to start changing to the better.....to stop being weak or even stop being too sensitive to life incidents and people's mistakes and actions....can actually live their life peacefully more than they ever did......
those moments of facing the ugly truth of life that you can actually get  hurt....deceived or disappointed. ....that you can live a lot of bad moments because life is just imperfect. .....or that you will  never feel that permenant feeling of being happy or over the moon....those moments are the moments of enlightenment. ......moments of feeling "finally I've come to know this"....and not just knowing it but believing in it and living completely satisfied with the  imperfections  of life and people.....it's the moment when you discover that you've not  lived your life untill you were trully hurt.....it's the moment when you understand the moral behind every difficult situation you've come through.....those who were hurt are definitely more blessed than those who were not.....and that's why they should be thankful ! Thankful till the end of their life !!

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